It's been a very busy summer at the Whimsy Beading house. Ms. Whimsy Beading, when she wasn't filling orders for our fantastic customers was working on a piece she titled "I Shall Wear Midnight" after the new Terry Pratchett novel in the Tiffany Aching series. She'd planned to try to sell, but with all the work that ended up in the piece, she decided to keep it for herself! (Hey, creator's perogative, right?)
Behold Ms. Whimsy Beading's new piece of pretty, "I Shall Wear Midnight":

Little wonder she's keeping it, but if she'd sold it, it would have bought a whole lot of clover. I'm just sayin'. Oh yeah, and Ms. Whimsy Beading reminds me that apparently mutton could be on the menu if I don't shut up. Later folks!
Fabulous works!